Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Craigslist And CPA iPod Offers Method

Due to me finding better techniques I decided to release one of my own.
All you need is a CL account, and a CPA account with an iPod / iPhone offer.
Here is the one I use: http://adscendmedia.com/

1. Put an ad on Craigslist in the FREE section like this:

Title: Free iPod Touch 8GB
Text: I bought this for my 16 year old son, bought he doesn’t use it and I don’t know how to use it so it’s free to whoever wants it... And it's got a case (it's bright blue), but there's no charger or anything... It works fine, but it's a little scratched on the back but nothing serious. Anyways, I will never use it, as I already have an MP3 Player, so if you want it, give me a email. I don’t need any money.

Now you will start receiving many emails, about 30 in an hour from 1 ad. I used Hotmail and set a vacation message to something like this:

Wow! There is a load of people that want this, but I just gave it away to a lady a minute ago, sorry! But wait! My Son's friend told me he got it from this place, For Free (YOUR CPA LINK HERE) either way, I hope you find one!!!

The "(YOUR CPA LINK HERE)" was a hyperlink to a CPA offer....., so they'd get redirected to a "Free iPod" offer that is hooked up to your account, so they fill out the offer, you get a dollar or whatever your network pays. Everything will depend on how you word it.

Every ad you put on Craigslist, you get another 30 emails, say 5 of them actually do the offer, that's an extra $5 every person. 10 ads, that $50 in about 40 minutes or so. Those numbers should be close if it’s near $1 per offer. Enjoy!


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