Tuesday, August 3, 2010

AdBrite Money Machine

Step 1 : Learning Ad Brite

In this post I will show you a few things that makes AdBrite different from Google Adsense.

For one it is not about getting pay per click. AdBrite is all about traffic. Getting paid per impression is a better program in my opinion because regardless of whether or people come to your site and click or not you’re going to get paid. Therefore the goal is simply to drive traffic. And the best part about AdBrite is that unlike Google where you can only set up three ad units, on AdBrite you have several different unique ways that you can use to make your money. But before we can get into all that we have to select a niche to work with.

Selecting a niche - Unlike Google, we are not going after really, really, niche sites. We’re going after what gets the most traffic, what’s more popular, what people are interested in all the time, we are going after the broad topics.

In order for this to work our niche has to be very broad, there has to be a lot of forums, a lot of blogs, and a lot of different websites we’re going to borrow traffic from. I know that sounds like work, but it’s really not.

For example let’s say we chose the niche Bulldogs. There are a lot of websites about Bulldogs, there are a lot of blogs, and a lot of forms about Bulldogs. This niche is big enough for us to continue. The first thing I do is do a Google search on my niche (Bulldogs) and sign-up to the biggest forums in that niche. Bookmark them because we are going to use them later.

Step 2 : The Method

Now that we picked our topic we are going to set up the page that we will be driving traffic to. Go to Blogger and set up a free blog. You will be using this blog as your website.

The very first thing you should do is get rid of the blogger toolbar. This toolbar causes more problems than it’s worth between people reporting your blog or worse, using the search feature in leaving your blog. Go to the layout page on blogger go to edit HTML. In the header section, right under the template information enter this code:

#navbar-iframe {

Now go to YouTube and pull up a few videos about your topic. So for our example:

Go through and add 10 to 20 videos as posts, as individual posts, on your blog. Now go back to AdBrite We are going to set up our advertising zones.

Step 3 : Ad Brite’s Marketplace

In your publisher dashboard select manage ad zones. Click set up a new zone. Select every form of advertising available. We are trying to get the most money per impression so we are going to be selling the most amounts of ads possible.

Showing full page ads after every first page view per visitor guarantees you will serve them at least one ad per visit.

In my other blogs I usually go with this general format.

You have to set up a new ads zone for each banner size.

The rest of setting up is pretty straightforward, simply copy and paste the ad code into your blogger blog as HTML widgets.

Now that advertising is added to your blog, add a FeedBurner subscribe box to your blog. This can be done by going to FeedBurner and burning your feed.

Go to publicize and select e-mail subscriptions. Activate it, then add the subscribe form on your blog as HTML widget. I put this right above the 100 x 600 banner, making it the first thing a user sees in my sidebar. You can see why this is important for recycling traffic.

The advertising will automatically appear in your website if you automatically approved it. I suggest using this option as it has not caused a decrease in my earnings. I’m currently making $10-$15 a day on autopilot posting one YouTube a video on my blog per day.

Step 4 : Driving Traffic

Unlike building Google ad sense ad blogs we are simply going for traffic. This means no SEO for the most part. We are simply focused on getting as many eyes on our pages as possible.

Remember those forums we signed up for earlier? We are going to use them now. Create a large banner to put in your signature on these forums. It doesn’t have to be anything special just large and attention-getting.

Now make a few posts in the most popular threads on each forum. After your post count gets up you can then start posting your individual blog posts as threads on the forums. The more popular the forum is the more residual traffic you will receive. Also comment on the biggest blogs in your niche with links to your blog and blog posts. Whenever you notice traffic dying in your AdBrite dashboard simply make a round of posts on the forms and the traffic will go right back up. Also exchange links with some of the popular sites in your niche. Don’t worry about SEO it’s not important and it will take care of itself.

That’s it for this method. Simply drive more traffic by participating in forums or exchanging more links whenever possible. You will notice they eventually you will start getting traffic from Youtube due to the statistics info under each video which shows your blog as a referrer. Also your feedburner account will start to grow on its own and you have many repeat visitors.

This is a very simple way to make money online if not the easiest. Expand your network of traffic and earnings will grow up. I currently have one blog that makes me $10 or $300 a month and I spent less than five minutes a day getting traffic for it. You can easily build a network of blogs and make thousands a month doing this!


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